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(916) 886-9908

Published on Dec 21, 2023

The New Year is a time of fresh starts and new beginnings, and what better way to step into this exciting period than by setting some enriching and fun training resolutions with your canine friend? Sit Happens Roseville is here to guide dog owners in Rocklin through setting achievable and rewarding training goals for a fantastic year ahead.

1. Set Achievable Training Goals

Begin by setting realistic training goals for your dog. Whether it’s mastering basic obedience commands, learning a new trick, or improving social skills, ensure your goals are achievable and tailored to your dog’s ability and age.

2. Create a Consistent Training Schedule

Consistency is key in dog training. Establish a routine that fits both your and your dog's daily schedules. Consistency helps your dog understand expectations and strengthens the learning process.

3. Incorporate New Training Methods

The New Year is a great time to try new training methods. Whether it’s clicker training, agility training, or something else, exploring different techniques can keep training fresh and exciting for both you and your dog.

4. Focus on Socialization

Socialization is crucial for a well-rounded and well-behaved dog. Plan to attend dog parks, dog-friendly community events, or arrange playdates. Socializing your dog enhances their confidence and behavior.

5. Prioritize Fun in Training

Remember that training should be fun! Keep sessions upbeat and engaging. Use games and activities that your dog enjoys to teach new skills and reinforce positive behaviors.

6. Track Your Progress

Keep a record of your training sessions and celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Tracking progress helps you stay motivated and recognize the areas that need more focus.

7. Take Care of Physical Health

A healthy dog is more receptive to training. Ensure your dog gets regular exercise, proper nutrition, and regular health check-ups.

8. Be Patient and Positive

Patience and positivity are essential in dog training. Understand that progress takes time and every dog learns at their own pace. Stay positive and patient, and the results will come.

9. Seek Professional Guidance if Needed

If you’re struggling with certain aspects of training, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. Sit Happens Roseville offers a range of training programs and expert guidance for all your dog training needs.


As we ring in the New Year in Rocklin, it's the perfect time to embark on a rewarding and enriching training journey with your dog. Setting and working towards new training goals not only enhances your dog's skills and behavior but also strengthens the bond between you. At Sit Happens Roseville, we’re excited to be part of your journey and look forward to a fantastic year of fun, learning, and growth with you and your canine companion.


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